
Build a Scalable GraphQL API with Multiple Dependent Lookups

Build a Scalable GraphQL API with Multiple Dependent Lookups

Multiple Dependent Lookups Dependent lookups in Business Intelligence (BI) applications are a type of field relationship[...]

1CloudHub Earns Amazon RDS Service Delivery Partner Badge: What it Means for Our Customers

1CloudHub Earns Amazon RDS Service Delivery Partner Badge: What it Means for Our Customers

We are excited to announce that our company, 1CloudHub has earned the Amazon RDS Service Delivery[...]

Protect your On-Premises Assets against Ransomware on AWS leveraging Veeam for DR

Protect your On-Premises Assets against Ransomware on AWS leveraging Veeam for DR

Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts a victim’s file thereby making it unavailable and later demanding[...]

Migrate with ease into AWS using AWS Migration Services

Migrate with ease into AWS using AWS Migration Services

With 1CloudHub, Streamline your Migration Services More businesses are planning to migrate their on-premises technology with scalable[...]

Launching — Data extraction and enrichment in seconds

Launching — Data extraction and enrichment in seconds

If time = money, 1CloudHub is about to make you a million bucks.

1CloudHub wins the Times Business Award for IT excellence

1CloudHub wins the Times Business Award for IT excellence

This blog illustrates how 1CloudHub is transforming the cloud landscape and winning.

Cloud SaaS Factory on AWS

Cloud SaaS Factory on AWS

This blog will walk you through the various considerations and support features offered with a SaaS Factory approach for Architecture and Design.

Automation of Application (Jenkins) Deployment & Configuration on AWS using CloudFormation Init

Automation of Application (Jenkins) Deployment & Configuration on AWS using CloudFormation Init

This is the last of a 3 part blog series talking about automation and the various IaC options available to configure and deploy applications on AWS.

Automation of Application (Jenkins) Deployment & Configuration on AWS using CloudFormation

Automation of Application (Jenkins) Deployment & Configuration on AWS using CloudFormation

This is Part 2 of a 3 part blog series talking about automation and the various IaC options available to configure and deploy applications on AWS.

Provisioning a Linux Virtual Machine with Jenkins installed & configured using  Azure ARM Templates & cloud-init

Provisioning a Linux Virtual Machine with Jenkins installed & configured using Azure ARM Templates & cloud-init

This blog illustrates how to automate a Linux Virtual Machine with the required infrastructure setup with Jenkins installation, configuration & validation using Azure ARM Template & cloud-init

Automation of Application (Jenkins) Deployment & Configuration  on AWS using Terraform and userdata

Automation of Application (Jenkins) Deployment & Configuration on AWS using Terraform and userdata

This is the first of a 3 blog series talking about the various options available to install, configure, and validate applications on AWS.

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