
Centralized Logging with OpenSearch for EKS & EC2 Applications: Revolutionizing Log Monitoring

Centralized Logging with OpenSearch for EKS & EC2 Applications: Revolutionizing Log Monitoring

In the modern cloud-native landscape, effective log management is essential for monitoring and troubleshooting applications running[...]

Streamlining Cost Management on Amazon EKS with Kubecost Optimization

Streamlining Cost Management on Amazon EKS with Kubecost Optimization

Running containerized applications on Amazon EKS offers scalability and agility, but managing costs effectively remains crucial.[...]

Optimizing EKS Resource Management with Goldilocks

Optimizing EKS Resource Management with Goldilocks

In most EKS clusters, the majority of costs stem from the EC2 instances utilized for running[...]

How We Automated Generative AI Infrastructure (MLOps + DevOps) on Cloud for a Leading Logistics Company

How We Automated Generative AI Infrastructure (MLOps + DevOps) on Cloud for a Leading Logistics Company

In today's competitive logistics landscape, staying ahead of the curve requires innovation. Generative AI, with its[...]

Application Portfolio Assessment: Is your application portfolio ready for modernization?

Application Portfolio Assessment: Is your application portfolio ready for modernization?

As organizations consider moving their applications, data, and infrastructure to the cloud, they encounter numerous challenges[...]

Top Generative AI Use Cases 2024

Top Generative AI Use Cases 2024

As we stand at the precipice of an AI-first world, the onus is on us to prepare for the transformative journey that lies ahead. Join us on a journey to uncover the Top Generative AI Use Cases for 2024 and beyond! Discover how Generative AI can be your industry’s game-changer

Implementing CAPTCHA Control in AWS WAF WebACLv2

Implementing CAPTCHA Control in AWS WAF WebACLv2

Explore how Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) Web Application Firewall (WAF) enhances web application security through CAPTCHA and Challenge actions and how to implement it.

Deploying Hugging Face Models on AWS SageMaker

Deploying Hugging Face Models on AWS SageMaker

Did you know that Hugging Face models can be deployed on AWS SageMaker both through SageMaker Notebook/Studio and from your own laptop, catering to scenarios with and without direct internet access?

Cloud Security on Amazon Web Services (Part II)

Cloud Security on Amazon Web Services (Part II)

In the second part of our blog series on cloud security, we delve into the role of detective controls in strengthening AWS security. Discover the importance of detective controls in identifying and responding to security incidents, and explore effective strategies for enhancing your platform’s security on Amazon Web Services. We explore various aspects of detective controls, including confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, authorization, auditable, and non-repudiation, and highlight AWS services and tools that can be utilized for robust security measures.

Cloud Security on Amazon Web Services (Part I)

Cloud Security on Amazon Web Services (Part I)

In this blog series, we focus on the importance of preventive measures in AWS security. We explore multiple layers of security assessments and the role they play in building a robust and secure platform on Amazon Web Services. We discuss platform, network, application, database, host, storage, and data security, along with the significance of data protection. By implementing these preventive measures, businesses can ensure comprehensive security for their AWS resources and data

Creating a scalable and customized shortened URL with Serverless Architecture

Creating a scalable and customized shortened URL with Serverless Architecture

In today's digital age, sharing links has become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether[...]

Why are businesses migrating to the cloud?

Why are businesses migrating to the cloud?

Imagine, if you will, that the Flintstones never used wheels for transport. They would have run[...]

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