Posts by: 1Cloudhub

This is Part 2 of a 3 part blog series talking about automation and the various IaC options available to configure and deploy applications on AWS.

Automation of Application (Jenkins) Deployment & Configuration on AWS using CloudFormation

Automation of Application (Jenkins) Deployment & Configuration on AWS using CloudFormation

This is Part 2 of a 3 part blog series talking about automation and the various IaC options available to configure and deploy applications on AWS.
Provisioning a Linux Virtual Machine with Jenkins installed & configured using  Azure ARM Templates & cloud-init

Provisioning a Linux Virtual Machine with Jenkins installed & configured using Azure ARM Templates & cloud-init

This blog illustrates how to automate a Linux Virtual Machine with the required infrastructure setup with Jenkins installation, configuration & validation using Azure ARM Template & cloud-init
Automation of Application (Jenkins) Deployment & Configuration  on AWS using Terraform and userdata

Automation of Application (Jenkins) Deployment & Configuration on AWS using Terraform and userdata

This is the first of a 3 blog series talking about the various options available to install, configure, and validate applications on AWS.
Continuous Compliance Solution Using Amazon Athena – Part II

Continuous Compliance Solution Using Amazon Athena – Part II

In this blog, we will look at the continuous compliance solution by querying the AWS CloudTrail with Amazon Athena.
Update auto-scaling by code pipeline using Cloud Formation Infrastructure as a Code

Update auto-scaling by code pipeline using Cloud Formation Infrastructure as a Code

This blog illustrates about how to update auto scaling by code pipeline using Cloud Formation Infrastructure as a Code.
Continuous Compliance Solutions by Leveraging AWS Native Compliance Tools – Part I

Continuous Compliance Solutions by Leveraging AWS Native Compliance Tools – Part I

This blog illustrates how a customer can work with a reputable cloud provider like 1CloudHub, which has a proven track record and can help you accelerate your SaaS transformation significantly.
Why Choose 1CloudHub for Your SaaS Solutions

Why Choose 1CloudHub for Your SaaS Solutions

This blog illustrates how a customer can work with a reputable cloud provider like 1CloudHub, which has a proven track record and can help you accelerate your SaaS transformation significantly.
Materials Identification System Development at Edge

Materials Identification System Development at Edge

This blog illustrates leveraging Amazon SageMaker and Amazon IOT Greengrass to develop an Image Classification ML model and deploy it on the Edge to detect objects.
Revolutionizing Document Processing with 1CH and Amazon Textract

Revolutionizing Document Processing with 1CH and Amazon Textract

In this blog, We will explain how 1CH improvised the functionality of Amazon Textract by developing a custom workflow solution by integrating with AWS Step Functions, AWS Lambda and AWS SNS making the above super-sized documents process easier and quicker.
Train and host custom-built Scikit-Learn model container in Amazon SageMaker

Train and host custom-built Scikit-Learn model container in Amazon SageMaker

How we can create our own container and import our custom Scikit-Learn model onto the container and host, train, and inference in Amazon SageMaker
Handling and Processing large amount of data between s3 buckets

Handling and Processing large amount of data between s3 buckets

This blog illustrates how small files can significantly slow down copy operation jobs between S3 buckets or from S3 to HDFS and vice versa. If the problem with the many small files continues on HDFS or S3, S3Distcp exploration is the best option.
Experiences and Challenges with Amazon Personalize

Experiences and Challenges with Amazon Personalize

Real-world use case and how Amazon Personalize can accelerate deeper insights and enable stronger customer relationships.
Serverless Orchestration of Distributed Workflow at Scale Using AWS Step Functions

Serverless Orchestration of Distributed Workflow at Scale Using AWS Step Functions

In this blog , we’ll look at AWS Step Functions and how its integration with other AWS services will help to resolve the drawbacks of developing a custom-built orchestrator.
Business Forecasting Dashboard For Small and Medium Enterprises

Business Forecasting Dashboard For Small and Medium Enterprises

At 1CloudHub, we provide data driven Business Forecasting dashboard powered by Machine learning delivers insights with an added layer of flexibility which helps predicting the future with ease.  
AI based Natural language Enterprise Search for Asset Management Companies

AI based Natural language Enterprise Search for Asset Management Companies

Find out how enterprises can leverage AI/ML based search that provides faster, accurate and context relevant results by using Amazon Kendra
Predicting eTicketing Revenue with Amazon Forecast

Predicting eTicketing Revenue with Amazon Forecast

1CloudHub developed a solution for an eTicketing business focused on transportation tickets to more accurately forecast their revenues.


1Ch provides us excellent support on our AWS cloud services management, they are far better than our former cloud partner and supports us 24/7 with their excellent team. We need 1CH to alert us on some of the maintenance activities which are scheduled to be done by AWS on RDS/ Redshift etc. 1Cloudhub
Managing System Resources through dynamic threshold monitoring feature by Azure

Managing System Resources through dynamic threshold monitoring feature by Azure

Benefits of Azure as managing system resources through dynamic threshold monitoring.
Why OTT players need to invest in analytics now more than ever

Why OTT players need to invest in analytics now more than ever

With the markets getting crowded, OTT players need all possible consumer insights to make their customers stick to their platform.
Multi-cloud strategy: A checklist of things to keep in mind

Multi-cloud strategy: A checklist of things to keep in mind

When implementing a multi-cloud strategy, it is well worth going into it with both eyes open by planning ahead to face potential challenges and setting a few long-term goals.
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