The customer, The Indian Express ( is one of the India’s most popular news media house having more than 12 news publications in multiple languages. Some of their group sites like Kannada Prabha ( and Samakalikamalayam ( are leaders in their category and region. The combined traffic of all sites averages more than a million hits in a day and reaches higher levels on specific events and occasions.
Given the challenges around the time duration available for the migration and the nature of the business where there was no downtime window to cut over to new infra, we adopted a 2-step migration approach to seamlessly migrate all the site to AWS.
In the first step, designed and provisioned a like-for-like infra on AWS as it was on the OnPrem and migrated all the sites. In the next step, after few weeks of operation, enabled additional security postures including WAF and optimized the infra design by right sizing for better performance at optimal cost.